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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Pós-graduação em Matemática

Área do conteúdo
Prof. Gregório Pacelli Bessa (Mathematics – UFC) was elected as Titular Member at the Academia Cearense de Ciências (ACECI). Here a link to the news at UFC website: https://www.ufc.br/noticias/noticias-da-reitoria/18250-academia-cearense-de-ciencias-empossa-docentes-da-ufc-como-membros-titulares-e-homenageia-vice-reitora-com-medalha-de-merito-cientifico Professors João Lucas Barbosa and Luquésio Petrola (Mathematics – UFC) are also part of the Academia Cearense de Ciências as titular members.
Prof. Alexandre Fernandes (Dept. Mathematics/PGMAT/UFC) is one of the Invited Speakers of the Mathematical Congress of the Americas (MCA 2025). Only 2 professors were invited from Brazil. Here the list of Invited Speakers: https://www.math.miami.edu/mca/docs/invited-speakers.pdf
The professors of PGMAT Maurício Poletti Merlo and Ramon Moreira Nunes where selected in the 6ª public call of the Serrapilheira Institute to receive funding for their research projects. More information
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