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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Pós-graduação em Matemática

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(*) Relatório criado com auxílio do scriptLattes . Última atualização em 26 de novembro de 2024. Contém publicações dos membros listadas seus currículos Lattes nesta data. Pode haver duplicações em publicações com co-autores da PGMAT.


1. AMBROZIO, LUCAS ; MONTEZUMA, RAFAEL. On the min-max width of unit volume three-spheresJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY. v. 126, p. 875, issn: 0022-040X, 2024. 
2. ARAUJO, E. ; LIMA, YURI ; POLETTI, MAURICIO. Symbolic Dynamics for Nonuniformly Hyperbolic Maps with Singularities in High DimensionMEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. v. 301, p. 1511, issn: 0065-9266, 2024. 
3. ARAUJO, JULIO ; CAMPOS, V. A. ; GIRÃO, DARLAN ; NOGUEIRA, JOÃO ; SALGUEIRO, ANTÓNIO ; SILVA, A. S.. On the hull number on cycle convexity of graphsINFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS. v. 183, p. 106420, issn: 0020-0190, 2024. 
4. ARAÚJO, DAMIÃO J ; MAGLIARO, MARCO ; MARI, LUCIANO ; PESSOA, LEANDRO F. On Splitting Complete Manifolds via Infinity Harmonic FunctionsINTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES. v. 2024, p. 1-25, issn: 1073-7928, 2024. 
5. Barros, Abdênago; AGUIAR, A. F.. Geometric flows by parallel hypersurfacesILLINOIS JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. v. 68, p. 341-364, issn: 0019-2082, 2024. 
6. BESSA, G PACELLI; GIMENO, VICENT ; PESSOA, L. ; SETTI, ALBERTO. On Doyle-Grigor?yan criterion for non-parabolicityPROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. p. 2697-2700, issn: 0002-9939, 2024. 
7. Bessa, G. Pacelli; CRUZ, TIARLOS ; PESSOA, LEANDRO F.. Half-Space Theorems for $$ extbf{1}$$-Surfaces of $$mathbb {H}^3$$JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS. v. 34, p. 345-369, issn: 1050-6926, 2024. 
8. Bessa, G. Pacelli; Jorge, Luquesio P. ; PESSOA, LEANDRO F.. Half-space theorems for recurrent minimal and $H$-surfaces of $mathbb{R}^{3}$REVISTA MATEMATICA IBEROAMERICANA. v. 40, p. 1609-1630, issn: 0213-2230, 2024. 
9. Bessa, G. Pacelli; MARKVORSEN, STEEN ; PESSOA, LEANDRO F.. Mean Exit Times from Submanifolds with Bounded Mean CurvaturePOTENTIAL ANALYSIS. v. xxx, p. xxxx-xxx, issn: 0926-2601, 2024. 
10. BESSA, JUNIOR DA S. ; RICARTE, GLEYDSON C.. Global Weighted Lorentz Estimates of Oblique Tangential Derivative Problems for Weakly Convex Fully Nonlinear OperatorsPOTENTIAL ANALYSIS. v. 01, p. 01, issn: 0926-2601, 2024. 
11. Bezerra, Jamerson; CAI, AO ; DUARTE, PEDRO ; FREIJO, CATALINA ; KLEIN, SILVIUS. A dynamical Thouless formulaADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS. v. 438, p. 109446, issn: 0001-8708, 2024. 
12. Birbrair, Lev; GRULHA, NIVALDO G. ; PEREIRA, MIRIAM S.. A perspective of Cidinha?s research worksSÃO PAULO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES. v. 19, p. 1-12, issn: 1982-6907, 2024. 
13. Birbrair, Lev; MENDES, RODRIGO. Multi-$${mathcal {K}}$$-bi-Lipschitz equivalence in dimension twoSao Paulo Journal Of Mathematical Sciences. v. 19, p. 449-462, issn: 2316-9028, 2024. 
14. BYEON, JAEYOUNG ; IKOMA, NORIHISA ; MALCHIODI, ANDREA ; MARI, LUCIANO. Existence and Regularity for Prescribed Lorentzian Mean Curvature Hypersurfaces, and the Born-Infeld ModelAnnals Of Pde. v. 10, p. 4-90, issn: 2524-5317, 2024. 
15. Cibotaru, Daniel; GALAZ-GARCÍA, FERNANDO. Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz Functions and Mapping Cylinder NeighborhoodsANNALES DE L’INSTITUT FOURIER (ONLINE). v. 1, p. 1-32, issn: 1777-5310, 2024. 
16. CLIMENHAGA, VAUGHN ; DEMERS, MARK F. ; Lima, Yuri ; ZHANG, HONGKUN. Lyapunov Exponents and Nonadapted Measures for Dispersing BilliardsCOMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS. v. 405, p. 24, issn: 0010-3616, 2024. 
17. COSTA, ISNARD LOPES ; LOPES, RAUL ; MARINO, ANDREA ; Silva, Ana. On computing large temporal (unilateral) connected componentsJOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES. v. 144, p. 103548, issn: 0022-0000, 2024. 
18. COSTA, ISNARD LOPES ; Silva, Ana Shirley. Acyclic coloring of products of digraphsDISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS. v. 349, p. 59-69, issn: 0166-218X, 2024. 
19. CROVISIER, SYLVAIN ; OBATA, DAVI ; POLETTI, MAURICIO. Uniqueness of u-Gibbs Measures for Hyperbolic Skew Products on $$mathbb {T}^4$$COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS. v. 405, p. 215, issn: 0010-3616, 2024. 
20. de Figueiredo, Celina M. H. ; DE MELO, ALEXSANDER A. ; Oliveira, Fabiano S. ; Silva, Ana. Maximum Cut on Interval Graphs of Interval Count Four is NP-CompleteDISCRETE & COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY. v. 71, p. 893-917, issn: 0179-5376, 2024. 
21. de Figueiredo, Celina M. H. ; LOPES, RAUL ; DE MELO, ALEXSANDER A. ; Silva, Ana. Parameterized algorithms for Steiner tree and (connected) dominating set on path graphsNETWORKS. v. 84, p. 132-147, issn: 0028-3045, 2024. 
22. DIÓGENES, R ; PINHEIRO, N. ; Ribeiro Jr., E.. Integral and boundary estimates for critical metrics of the volume functionalISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. v. 2024, p. 1-27, issn: 0021-2172, 2024. 
23. DONATO, SIDNEY ; MONTEZUMA, RAFAEL. The First Width of Non-negatively Curved Surfaces with Convex BoundaryJOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS. v. 34, p. 60, issn: 1050-6926, 2024. 
24. FERNANDES, Alexandre; FERNANDES, FILIPE ; SAMPAIO, JOSÉ EDSON ; DA SILVA, JOSERLAN PEROTE. Bi-Hölder equivalence of real analytic functionsRESEARCH IN THE MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES. v. 11, p. Number 20, issn: 2522-0144, 2024. 
25. FERNANDES, A. ; SAMPAIO, JOSÉ EDSON. Global bi-Lipschitz classification of semialgebraic surfacesANNALI DELLA SCUOLA NORMALE SUPERIORE DI PISA-CLASSE DI SCIENZE. v. online, p. 21, issn: 0391-173X, 2024. 
26. HERNÁNDEZ, ISABEL ; LUCAS RODRIGUES, RODRIGO ; QUINTERO VANEGAS, ELKIN OVEIMAR. Modules for 2-×-2 matrices over commutative power-associative algebrasCOMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA. v. 52, p. 2205-2215, issn: 0092-7872, 2024. 
27. IBIAPINA, ALLEN ; Silva, Ana. Snapshot disjointness in temporal graphsTHEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. v. 1009, p. 114690, issn: 0304-3975, 2024. 
28. Lima, Yuri; Matheus, Carlos ; MELBOURNE, IAN. Polynomial decay of correlations for nonpositively curved surfacesTRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. v. 377, p. 6043-6095, issn: 0002-9947, 2024. 
29. MAGLIARO, MARCO; MARI, LUCIANO ; Roing, F. ; Savas-Halilaj, Andreas. Sharp pinching theorems for complete submanifolds in the sphereJOURNAL FUR DIE REINE UND ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK. v. 2024, p. 117-134, issn: 0075-4102, 2024. 
30. MENDES, RODRIGO ; SAMPAIO, JOSÉ EDSON. On the Link of Lipschitz Normally Embedded SetsInternational Mathematics Research Notices. v. 2024, p. 7488-7501, issn: 1687-0247, 2024. 
31. SAMPAIO, JOSE EDSON. Local versus global Lipschitz geometryJournal of the London Mathematical Society. v. 110, p. e70011, issn: 1469-7750, 2024. 
32. SAMPAIO, JOSÉ EDSON; DA SILVA, EURIPEDES CARVALHO. Classification of complex algebraic curves under blow-spherical equivalenceRevista Matematica Complutense. v. online, p. 1, issn: 1139-1138, 2024. 


1. ALMARAZ, SÉRGIO ; LIMA, LEVI LOPES DE. Mass, center of mass and isoperimetry in asymptotically flat 3-manifoldsCALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. v. 62, p. 196, 2023. 
2. Alías, L. J. ; CAMINHA, Antonio ; Caminha, Antonio ; Nascimento, F. Y. S. do. On complete Kählerian manifolds endowed with closed conformal vector fieldsRevista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas y Naturales Serie A-Matematicas. v. 117, p. 893-900, 2023. 
3. ARAUJO, JULIO ; BENSMAIL, Julien ; Campos, Victor ; HAVET, FRÉDÉRIC ; MAIA, A. KAROLINNA ; NISSE, NICOLAS ; Silva, Ana. On Finding the Best and Worst Orientations for the Metric DimensionALGORITHMICA,. v. 85, p. 2962-3002, 2023. 
4. Araujo, Julio; CAMPOS, VICTOR ; GIRÃO, DARLAN ; NOGUEIRA, JOÃO ; SALGUEIRO, ANTÓNIO ; SILVA, ANA. On the Hull Number on Cycle Convexity of GraphsINFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS. v. 183, p. 106420, 2023. 
5. Araújo, Júlio; BOUGERET, MARIN ; CAMPOS, VICTOR A. ; SAU, IGNASI. Parameterized Complexity of Computing Maximum Minimal Blocking and Hitting SetsALGORITHMICA. v. 85, p. 444-491, 2023. 
6. BALTAZAR, H. ; Barros, A. ; Batista, R.. A local rigidity theorem for minimal two-spheres in charged time-symmetric initial data setLetters in Mathematical Physics. v. 113, p. 92-120, 2023. 
7. BARROSO, CLEON S. Hölder-contractive mappings, nonlinear extension problem and fixed point free resultsJOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. v. 528, p. 127521, 2023. 
8. Benevides, Fabricio; BERMOND, JEAN-CLAUDE ; LESFARI, HICHAM ; NISSE, NICOLAS. Minimum lethal sets in grids and tori under 3-neighbour bootstrap percolationEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS. v. 1, p. 103801, 2023. 
9. BEZERRA JÚNIOR, ELZON C. ; DA SILVA, JOÃO VITOR ; C. RAMPASSO, GIANE ; C. RICARTE, GLEYDSON. Global regularity for a class of fully nonlinear PDEs with unbalanced variable degeneracyJournal of the London Mathematical Society. v. 108, p. 622-665, 2023. 
10. Birbrair, Lev; BRANDENBURSKY, MICHAEL ; GABRIELOV, ANDREI. Lipschitz geometry of surface germs in $${mathbb {R}}^4$$: metric knotsSelecta Mathematica-New Series. v. 29, p. 43, 2023. 
11. BRAGA, J. EDERSON M. ; CARNEIRO, J. GLEISON ; MOREIRA, DIEGO R.. Uniform Lipschitz estimates up to the boundary for singular perturbation problem for some nonlinear elliptic PDEs with unbounded ingredientsNONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS. v. 232, p. 113283, 2023. 
12. BRAGA, J. EDERSON M. ; MOREIRA, DIEGO R. ; DE SOUSA, J. WÁLISSON V.. An inhomogeneous version of the Carleson estimate for singular/degenerate nonlinear equationsANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA. v. XXX, p. XXX, 2023. 
13. CHENG, XU ; RIBEIRO, ERNANI ; ZHOU, DETANG. On Euler characteristic and Hitchin-Thorpe inequality for four-dimensional compact Ricci solitonsProceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B. v. 10, p. 33-45, 2023. 
14. COSTA, JOHNATAN ; DIÓGENES, RAFAEL ; PINHEIRO, NEILHA ; RIBEIRO JR, ERNANI. Geometry of static perfect fluid space-timeCLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. v. 40, p. 205012, 2023. 
15. DA S. BESSA, JUNIOR ; DA SILVA, JOÃO VITOR ; FREDERICO, MARIA N.B. ; RICARTE, GLEYDSON C.. Sharp Hessian estimates for fully nonlinear elliptic equations under relaxed convexity assumptions, oblique boundary conditions and applicationsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. v. 367, p. 451-493, 2023. 
16. DE FIGUEIREDO, CELINA M.H. ; DE MELO, ALEXSANDER A. ; Oliveira, Fabiano S. ; Silva, Ana. MaxCut on Permutation Graphs is NP-completeJOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY. v. 104, p. 5-16, 2023. 
17. FERNANDES, Alexandre; SAMPAIO, JOSE. On characterization of smoothness of complex analytic setsINDIANA UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS JOURNAL. v. 72, p. 2547-2565, 2023. 
18. FERNANDES, Alexandre; JELONEK, ZBIGNIEW. Bi-Lipschitz Characterization of Space CurvesBULLETIN OF THE BRAZILIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. v. 54, p. Number 29, 2023. 
19. HERNÁNDEZ, ISABEL ; LUCAS RODRIGUES, RODRIGO ; QUINTERO VANEGAS, ELKIN OVEIMAR. Modules for 2-×-2 matrices over commutative power-associative algebrasCOMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA. v. -, p. 1-11, 2023. 
20. IBIAPINA, ALLEN ; Silva, Ana. Mengerian graphs: characterization and recognitionJOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES. v. 139, p. 103467, 2023. 
21. LEITÃO, RAIMUNDO. $$L_{p}$$-Estimates for Solutions of Equations Governed by Operators like the Anisotropic Fractional LaplacianBULLETIN OF THE BRAZILIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. v. 54, p. 34, 2023. 
22. Lima, Yuri; Moreira, Carlos Gustavo. Examples of d-sets with Irregular Projection of Hausdorff MeasuresBULLETIN OF THE BRAZILIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. v. 54, p. 28, 2023. 
23. MARINO, ANDREA ; Silva, Ana. Eulerian Walks in Temporal GraphsALGORITHMICA. v. 85, p. 805-830, 2023. 
24. MARQUES, FERNANDO C. ; MONTEZUMA, RAFAEL ; NEVES, ANDRÉ. Morse inequalities for the area functionalJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY. v. 124, p. 81-111, 2023. 
25. MOREIRA, DIEGO; SHRIVASTAVA, HARISH. Optimal regularity for variational solutions of free transmission problemsJOURNAL DE MATHEMATIQUES PURES ET APPLIQUEES. v. 169, p. 1-49, 2023. 
26. NUNES, RAMON M. Spectral reciprocity via periodsAlgebra & Number Theory. v. 17, p. 1381-1409, 2023. 
27. SAMPAIO, JOSÉ EDSON. On Lipschitz Geometry at infinity of complex analytic setsCALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. v. 62, p. 69, 2023. 
28. SAMPAIO, JOSÉ EDSON; SILVA, E. C.. Classification of real algebraic curves under blow-spherical homeomorphisms at infinitySÃO PAULO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES,. p. 1-15, 2023. 
29. SOUSA, PAULO ALEXANDRE ; LIMA, ALEXANDRE BEZERRA ; DE BARROS, ABDÊNAGO ALVES. Heintze-Karcher and Jellett-type theorems in conformally flat spacesMATHEMATISCHE NACHRICHTEN. v. 1, p. 1-12, 2023. 


1. ALÍAS, LUIS J. ; DE LIRA, JORGE H. S. ; RIGOLI, MARCO. Stability of mean curvature flow solitons in warped product spacesRevista Matematica Complutense. v. 35, p. 287-309, issn: 1139-1138, 2022. 
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2. Araujo, C. S. ; ARAÚJO, J. ; CEZAR, A. A. ; SILVA, A. S.. Backbone coloring of graphs with galaxy backbonesDISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS. v. 323, p. 2-13, issn: 0166-218X, 2022. 
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3. ARAÚJO, J.; ARRAES, P.S.M.. Hull and geodetic numbers for some classes of oriented graphsDISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS. v. 323, p. 14-27, issn: 0166-218X, 2022. 
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4. Araújo, Júlio; BOUGERET, MARIN ; CAMPOS, VICTOR ; SAU, IGNASI. Introducing lop-Kernels: A Framework for Kernelization Lower BoundsALGORITHMICA. v. 84, p. 3365-3406, issn: 0178-4617, 2022. 
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5. AVALOS, RODRIGO ; LAURAIN, PAUL ; LiRA, JORGE H.. A positive energy theorem for fourth-order gravityCALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. v. 61, p. 1, issn: 0944-2669, 2022. 
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6. AVALOS, RODRIGO ; LiRA, JORGE H.. Einstein-Type Elliptic SystemsANNALES HENRI POINCARE. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1424-0637, 2022. 
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7. Baltazar, H. ; BATISTA, R. ; Ribeiro, E.. Geometric inequalities for critical metrics of the volume functionalANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA. v. 201, p. 1463-1480, issn: 0373-3114, 2022. 
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8. BARROSO, CLEON S.; GALLAGHER, TORREY M.. Basis selection and fixed point results for affine mappingsJournal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications. v. 24, p. 67, issn: 1661-7746, 2022. 
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9. BENEVIDES, FABRICIO S.; HOPPEN, CARLOS ; LEFMANN, HANNO ; ODERMANN, KNUT. Heilbronn triangle-type problems in the unit square [0,1]2$$ {left[0,1 ight]}^2 $$Random Structures and Algorithms. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1098-2418, 2022. 
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10. BENEVIDES, FABRÍCIO SIQUEIRA; SULKOWSKA, MA’GORZATA. Maximizing the expected number of components in an online search of a graphDISCRETE MATHEMATICS. v. 345, p. 112668, issn: 0012-365X, 2022. 
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11. BESSA, G PACELLI; JORGE, L. ; MARI, L.. On the principal eigenvalue of the truncated Laplacian, and submanifolds with bounded mean curvaturehttp://doi.org/10.21711/231766362022/rmc498. v. 49, p. 212-235, issn: 2317-6636, 2022. 
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12. Bessa, G. Pacelli; GIMENO, VICENT ; POLYMERAKIS, PANAGIOTIS. The spectrum of the Laplacian and volume growth of proper minimal submanifoldsMathematische Zeitschrift. v. xxx, p. 1-10, issn: 1432-1823, 2022. 
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13. BEZERRA JÚNIOR, ELZON C. ; DA SILVA, JOÃO VÍTOR ; RICARTE, GLEYDSON C.. Fully nonlinear singularly perturbed models with non-homogeneous degeneracyREVISTA MATEMATICA IBEROAMERICANA. v. 37, p. 1, issn: 0213-2230, 2022. 
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14. Birbrair, Lev; GABRIELOV, ANDREI. Lipschitz geometry of pairs of normally embedded Hölder trianglesEuropean Journal Of Mathematics. v. 8, p. 766-791, issn: 2199-675X, 2022. 
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15. CASTERAS, JEAN-BAPTISTE ; HEINONEN, ESKO ; HOLOPAINEN, ILKKA ; DE LIRA, JORGE H.. Non-Parametric Mean Curvature Flow with Prescribed Contact Angle in Riemannian ProductsAnalysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces. v. 10, p. 31-39, issn: 2299-3274, 2022. 
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16. CHENG, XU ; RIBEIRO, ERNANI ; ZHOU, DETANG. Volume Growth Estimates for Ricci Solitons and Quasi-Einstein ManifoldsJOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS. v. 32, p. 62, issn: 1050-6926, 2022. 
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17. COLOMBO, GIULIO ; MAGLIARO, MARCO ; MARI, LUCIANO ; RIGOLI, MARCO. Bernstein and Half-Space Properties for Minimal Graphs Under Ricci Lower BoundsINTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES. v. 00, p. 1-35, issn: 1073-7928, 2022. 
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18. COSTA, ANDRÉ ; GRANDJEAN, VINCENT ; MICHALSKA, MARIA. Lipschitz Trivial Values of Polynomial MappingsJOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS. v. 32, p. 269, issn: 1050-6926, 2022. 
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19. DE FIGUEIREDO, CELINA M.H. ; DE MELO, ALEXSANDER A. ; SASAKI, DIANA ; Silva, Ana. Revising Johnson?s table for the 21st centuryDISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS. v. 323, p. 184-200, issn: 0166-218X, 2022. 
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20. de Lima, Levi Lopes. The scalar curvature in conical manifolds: some results on existence and obstructionsANNALS OF GLOBAL ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY. v. 61, p. 641-661, issn: 0232-704X, 2022. 
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21. DE LIMA, LEVI LOPES ; GIRÃO, FREDERICO ; NATÁRIO, JOSÉ. Extrinsic Black Hole Uniqueness in Pure Lovelock GravityBULLETIN BRAZILIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY (ONLINE). v. 53, p. 721-739, issn: 1678-7714, 2022. 
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22. DE LIRA, JORGE H. S.; ROING, FERNANDA. Mean curvature flow of graphs in generalized Robertson-Walker spacetimes with perpendicular Neumann boundary conditionANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA. v. 201, p. 1, issn: 0373-3114, 2022. 
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23. Diógenes, R. ; Gadelha, T. ; Ribeiro, E.. Remarks on compact quasi-Einstein manifolds with boundaryAMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. PROCEEDINGS. v. 150, p. 351-363, issn: 1088-6826, 2022. 
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24. DIÓGENES, RAFAEL ; GADELHA, TIAGO ; RIBEIRO, ERNANI. Geometry of compact quasi-Einstein manifolds with boundaryMANUSCRIPTA MATHEMATICA. v. 169, p. 167-183, issn: 0025-2611, 2022. 
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25. FERNANDES, Alexandre; JELONEK, ZBIGNIEW ; SAMPAIO, JOSÉ EDSON. On the Fukui-Kurdyka-Paunescu conjectureCOMPOSITIO MATHEMATICA. v. 158, p. 1298-1313, issn: 0010-437X, 2022. 
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26. FERNÁNDEZ-BOBADILLA, J. ; HEINZE, S. ; PE-PEREIRA, M. ; SAMPAIO, JOSÉ EDSON. Moderately Discontinuous HomologyCOMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS. v. 75, p. 2123-2200, issn: 0010-3640, 2022. 
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27. FERNÁNDEZ-BOBADILLA, J. ; PEÑAFORT-SANCHIS, G. ; SAMPAIO, JOSÉ EDSON. TOPOLOGICAL INVARIANTS AND MILNOR FIBER FOR A-FINITE GERMS C 2 ? C 3Dalat University Journal of Science. v. 12, p. 19-25, issn: 0866-787X, 2022. 
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28. GAMA, EDDYGLEDSON S. ; de Lira, Jorge H.S. ; MARI, LUCIANO ; DE MEDEIROS, ADRIANO A.. A barrier principle at infinity for varifolds with bounded mean curvatureJOURNAL OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY-SECOND SERIES. v. 105, p. 308-342, issn: 0024-6107, 2022. 
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29. MARINO, ANDREA ; Silva, Ana. Coloring temporal graphsJOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES. v. 123, p. 171-185, issn: 0022-0000, 2022. 
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30. MARINO, ANDREA ; Silva, Ana. Eulerian Walks in Temporal GraphsALGORITHMICA. v. 2022, p. 1, issn: 0178-4617, 2022. 
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31. MARKOVA, O.V. ; MARTÍNEZ, C. ; RODRIGUES, R.L.. Algebras of length oneJOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA. v. 226, p. 106993, issn: 0022-4049, 2022. 
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32. SAMPAIO, JOSÉ EDSON. Differential invariance of the multiplicity of real and complex analytic setsPUBLICACIONS MATEMATIQUES. v. 66, p. 355-368, issn: 0214-1493, 2022. 
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4. BACKES, LUCAS ; POLETTI, MAURICIO ; VARANDAS, PAULO ; LIMA, YURI. Simplicity of Lyapunov spectrum for linear cocycles over non-uniformly hyperbolic systemsERGODIC THEORY AND DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS. v. online, p. 1-23, issn: 0143-3857, 2019. 
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8. BASTOS, JOSEFRAN DE OLIVEIRA ; BENEVIDES, FABRÍCIO SIQUEIRA ; HAN, JIE. The number of Gallai k-colorings of complete graphsJOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B. v. InPres, p. 13, issn: 0095-8956, 2019. 
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9. BASTOS, JOSEFRAN DE OLIVEIRA ; BENEVIDES, FABRÍCIO SIQUEIRA ; MOTA, GUILHERME OLIVEIRA ; SAU, IGNASI. Counting Gallai 3-colorings of complete graphsDISCRETE MATHEMATICS. v. 342, p. 2618-2631, issn: 0012-365X, 2019. 
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10. Bessa, G. Pacelli; PESSOA, LEANDRO F. ; RIGOLI, MARCO. Higher order mean curvature estimates for properly immersed $$phi _{h}$$ – h -bounded hypersurfacesANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA. v. 198, p. 157-175, issn: 0373-3114, 2019. 
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11. BRAGA, J. EDERSON M. ; FIGALLI, ALESSIO ; MOREIRA, DIEGO. Optimal regularity for the convex envelope and semiconvex functions related to supersolutions of fully nonlinear elliptic equationsCOMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS. v. 367, p. 1-32, issn: 0010-3616, 2019. 
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14. COSTA, EZIO ; RIBEIRO, ERNANI. Minimal volume invariants, topological sphere theorems and biorthogonal curvature on 4-manifoldsMATHEMATISCHE NACHRICHTEN. v. 292, p. 556-572, issn: 0025-584X, 2019. 
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15. de Lima, Levi Lopes. Heat conservation for generalized Dirac Laplacians on manifolds with boundaryANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA. v. 199, p. 997, issn: 0373-3114, 2019. 
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17. DE LIMA, LEVI LOPES ; GIRÃO, FREDERICO ; MONTALBÁN, AMILCAR. The mass in terms of Einstein and NewtonCLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. v. 36, p. 075017, issn: 0264-9381, 2019. 
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18. DE SOUSA, ALEXANDRE ; GIRÃO, FREDERICO. The Gauss-Bonnet-Chern mass ofhigher-codimension graphsPACIFIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. v. 298, p. 201-216, issn: 0030-8730, 2019. 
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20. FERNANDES, A. ; SAMPAIO, J EDSON ; Pichon, A. ; Neumann, W. D.. Tangent Cones of Lipschitz Normally Embedded Sets Are Lipschitz Normally Embedded. Appendix by Anne Pichon and Walter D. NeumannINTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES. v. 2019, p. 4880-4897, issn: 1073-7928, 2019. 
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21. FERNANDES, Alexandre; SAMPAIO, J. EDSON. On Lipschitz Rigidity of Complex Analytic SetsJOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS. v. 30, p. 706-718, issn: 1050-6926, 2019. 
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22. GRANDJEAN, VINCENT. Re-parameterizing and reducing families of normal operatorsISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. v. 230, p. 715-744, issn: 0021-2172, 2019. 
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23. GRANDJEAN, VINCENT. Monomialization of singular metrics on real surfacesRevista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas y Naturales Serie A-Matematicas. v. 113, p. 4171-4210, issn: 1578-7303, 2019. 
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25. RICARTE, G. C.; SILVA, J. V. ; TEYMURAZYAN, R. ; AMARAL, M. D. S.. Sharp regularity estimates for quasilinear evolution equationsIsrael Journal of Mathematics. v. 231, p. 25-45, issn: 1565-8511, 2019. 
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26. RICARTE, G. C.; TEYMURAZYAN, R. ; URBANO, J. M.. Singularly perturbed fully nonlinear parabolic problems and their asymptotic free boundariesREVISTA MATEMATICA IBEROAMERICANA. v. 35, p. 1535-1558, issn: 0213-2230, 2019. 
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27. RICARTE, G.C.; ARAUJO, J. G.. Up-to boundary regularity for a singular perturbation problem of p-Laplacian type equations in non-divergence formNONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS. v. 188, p. 339-361, issn: 0362-546X, 2019. 
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28. SAMPAIO, J. On Zariski?s multiplicity problem at infinityAMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. PROCEEDINGS. v. 147, p. 1367-1376, issn: 1088-6826, 2019. 
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29. SAMPAIO, J. A proof of the differentiable invariance of the multiplicity using spherical blowing-upRevista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas y Naturales Serie A-Matematicas. v. 113, p. 3913-3920, issn: 1578-7303, 2019. 
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31. VELASQUEZ, M. A. L. ; De LIMA, H. F. ; Da Silva, J. F ; OLIVEIRA, A. M.. Stable compact spacelike hypersurfaces in the de Sitter space as maxima of a linear combination of area and volumeMANUSCRIPTA MATHEMATICA. v. 159, p. 229-245, issn: 0025-2611, 2019. 
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2. ARAÚJO, J.; DUCOFFE, G. ; NISSE, N. ; SUCHAN, K.. On interval number in cycle convexityDISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. v. 20, p. 1, issn: 1462-7264, 2018.
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3. Araújo, Júlio; BASTE, JULIEN ; SAU, IGNASI. Ruling out FPT algorithms for Weighted Coloring on forestsTHEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. p. 11-19, issn: 0304-3975, 2018. 
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4. BACKES, LUCAS ; MAURICIO POLETTI ; ADRIANA SANCHEZ. The set of fiber-bunched cocycles with nonvanishing Lyapunov exponents over a partially hyperbolic map is openMATHEMATICAL RESEARCH LETTERS. v. 25, p. 1719-1740, issn: 1073-2780, 2018. 
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9. Barros, Abdênago; SOUSA, Paulo Alexandre de ; Batista, R.. A new class of Killing Invariant Surfaces in S^3INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. v. 29, p. 1-11, issn: 0129-167X, 2018.
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10. Bessa, G. Pacelli; GIMENO, VICENT ; PALMER, VICENTE. Asymptotically Extrinsic Tamed SubmanifoldsTHE JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS (ONLINE). v. 28, p. 448-472, issn: 1559-002X, 2018. 
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11. Bessa, G. Pacelli; L. F. Pessoa ; M. Rigoli. Vanishing theorems, higher order mean curvatures and index estimates for self-shrinkersISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. p. 703-736, issn: 0021-2172, 2018. 
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12. Birbrair, L.; MENDES, RODRIGO ; NUÑO-BALLESTEROS, J. J.. Metrically Un-knotted Corank 1 Singularities of Surfaces in $$mathbb {R}^4$$R4JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS. v. 28, p. 3708-3717, issn: 1050-6926, 2018. 
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13. BIRBRAIR, LEV ; FERNANDES, ALEXANDRE ; GRANDJEAN, VINCENT ; GAFFNEY, TERENCE. Blow-analytic equivalence versus contact bi-Lipschitz equivalenceJOURNAL OF THE MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. v. 70, p. 989-1006, issn: 0025-5645, 2018. 
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14. Birbrair, Lev; Costa, João Carlos Ferreira ; FILHO, EDVALTER DA SILVA SENA. Topological bi-$mathcal{K}$-equivalence of pairs of map germsHokkaido Mathematical Journal. v. 47, p. 545-556, issn: 0385-4035, 2018. 
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17. FERNÁNDEZ DE BOBADILLA, JAVIER ; FERNANDES, Alexandre ; SAMPAIO, J. EDSON. Multiplicity and degree as bi-Lipschitz invariants for complex setsJournal of Topology. v. 11, p. 957-965, issn: 1753-8416, 2018. 
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18. BRAGA, J. E. M. On the Lipschitz regularity and asymptotic behaviour of the free boundary for classes of minima of inhomogeneous two-phase Alt-Caffarelli functionals in Orlicz spacesANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA. v. xxx, p. xxx-xxx, issn: 0373-3114, 2018. 
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19. BRAGA, J. EDERSON M. ; MOREIRA, DIEGO. Zero Lebesgue measure sets as removable sets for degenerate fully nonlinear elliptic PDEsNODEA-NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS. v. 25, p. xxx-xxx, issn: 1021-9722, 2018. 
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20. BRAGA, J. EDERSON M. ; MOREIRA, DIEGO. Inhomogeneous Hopf-Oleinik Lemma and Regularity of semiconvex supersolutions via new barriers for the Pucci extremal operatorsADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS. v. 334, p. 184-242, issn: 0001-8708, 2018. 
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22. Da Silva, J. F; De LIMA, H. F. ; VELASQUEZ, M. A. L.. Stability of generalized linear Weingarten hypersurfaces immersed in the Euclidean spacePUBLICACIONS MATEMATIQUES. v. 62, p. 95-111, issn: 0214-1493, 2018. 
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23. Da Silva, J. F; De LIMA, H. F. ; VELASQUEZ, M. A. L.. Stable hypersurfaces via the first eigenvalue of the anisotropic Laplacian operatorANNALI DELL’UNIVERSITA’ DI FERRARA. v. 64, p. 427-436, issn: 1827-1510, 2018. 
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24. DE LIMA, LEVI. A Feynman-Kac formula for differential formson manifolds with boundary and geometric applicationsPACIFIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. v. 292, p. 177-201, issn: 0030-8730, 2018. 
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25. de Lira, Jorge H.S.; MARTÍN, FRANCISCO. Translating solitons in Riemannian productsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. v. 266, p. 7780-7812, issn: 0022-0396, 2018. 
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26. FERNANDES, ALEXANDRE ; SAMPAIO, J. Edson ; SILVA, Joserlan P.. Hölder equivalence of complex analytic curve singularitiesBULLETIN OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. v. 50, p. 874-886, issn: 0024-6093, 2018. 
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27. FERNANDES, Alexandre; SAMPAIO, J EDSON. Tangent Cones of Lipschitz Normally Embedded Sets Are Lipschitz Normally Embedded. Appendix by Anne Pichon and Walter D. NeumannINTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES. v. 2019, p. 4880-4897, issn: 1073-7928, 2018. 
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28. GRIESER, D. ; GRANDJEAN, VINCENT. The exponential map at a cuspidal singularityJOURNAL FUR DIE REINE UND ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK. v. 736, p. 33-67, issn: 0075-4102, 2018. 
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29. IMPERA, DEBORA ; DE LIRA, JORGE H. ; PIGOLA, STEFANO ; SETTI, ALBERTO G.. Height Estimates for Killing GraphsJOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS. v. 28, p. 2857-2885, issn: 1050-6926, 2018. 
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30. LEITÃO, RAIMUNDO; RICARTE, GLEYDSON. Free boundary regularity for a degenerate problem with right hand sideINTERFACES AND FREE BOUNDARIES. v. 20, p. 577-595, issn: 1463-9963, 2018. 
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31. Lima, Yuri; Matheus, Carlos. Symbolic dynamics for non-uniformly hyperbolic surface maps with discontinuitiesANNALES SCIENTIFIQUES DE L ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE. v. 51, p. 1-38, issn: 0012-9593, 2018. 
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32. Lima, Yuri; SARIG, OMRI. Symbolic dynamics for three-dimensional flows with positive topological entropyJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. v. 21, p. 199-256, issn: 1435-9855, 2018. 
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33. MAGLIARO, MARCO ; MARI, LUCIANO ; RIGOLI, MARCO. On a paper of Berestycki-Hamel-Rossi and its relations to the weak maximum principle at infinity, with applicationsREVISTA MATEMATICA IBEROAMERICANA. v. 34, p. 915-936, issn: 0213-2230, 2018. 
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34. POLETTI, MAURICIO. Geometric Growth for Anosov Maps on the 3 TorusBULLETIN OF THE BRAZILIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. v. 49, p. 699-713, issn: 1678-7544, 2018. 
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35. POLETTI, MAURICIO. Stably positive Lyapunov exponents for symplectic linear cocycles over partially hyperbolic diffeomorphismsDISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS. SERIES A. v. 38, p. 5163-5188, issn: 1553-5231, 2018. 
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36. POLETTI, MAURICIO; VIANA, MARCELO. Simple Lyapunov spectrum for certain linear cocycles over partially hyperbolic mapsNonlinearity. v. 32, p. 238-284, issn: 1361-6544, 2018. 
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37. RICARTE, G.C. Porosity of the free boundary for p-parabolic type equations in non-divergence formPOTENTIAL ANALYSIS. v. 18, p. 1-19, issn: 0926-2601, 2018. 
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38. RICARTE, GLEYDSON; SILVA, J. V.. An asymptotic treatment for non-convex fully nonlinear elliptic equations: Global Sobolev and BMO type estimatesCOMMUNICATIONS IN CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS. v. 21, p. 1850053, issn: 0219-1997, 2018. 
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